It's no secret that new year's resolutions often peter out by the second week of January, which is where we are today.
Did you set any resolutions for yourself this year? How's it going?
That bad, eh?
Can I offer an alternative?
Set goals.
Truly, resolutions are usually so lofty and overwhelming that they are paralyzing, leaving you feeling defeated and unmotivated year after year. Seriously, how do you feel after resolving to "lose weight, declutter my entire house, save for retirement, and get out of debt this year!" and then NOT achieving any of those things? Do you feel empowered, positive, successful, and accomplished?
Probably not.
By setting these resolutions, you're setting yourself up for failure.
Try setting goals and making those goals S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-specific.
To transform the above resolutions into SMART goals, they look like this instead:
"This year I will...
- lose 10 pounds by Memorial Day,
- clear the garage of 15 boxes by July 4th in time for the barbecue at my house,
- declutter the guest room and turn it into a music room by Thanksgiving,
- save $2000 for retirement by my December 15th paycheck, and
- pay $50 extra per month to one credit card for 12 months."
Setting these kinds of goals (not resolutions) and reviewing them weekly will propel you forward towards actually reaching them. And each week, take some small step towards achieving them. If you fall off track one week, just begin anew the next week. Before you know it, it will be December 31 again and you will be amazed at what you have accomplished in just one year.
So, what are you waiting for?! Go set a SMART goal or two, and watch how much better you will feel about your future AND about yourself!
Blue skies!