Monday, November 26, 2018

What to Do with Handmade Gifts from Kids?

'Tis the season...for being the lucky recipient of handmade treasures from little ones!  Yes, those adorable crafty gifts that kids bestow upon their parents and other loved ones during the holiday season.

As parents, we want to encourage creativity, generosity, selflessness, and the relationship-building benefits of gift giving in our kids, right?  But what in the WORLD do we do with some of their creations?

Let me share a story I had long forgotten about until a few weeks ago in session, when my memory was triggered by something one of my little patients said.  Driving home that night, I reflected on my late Dad's parenting skills, "good enough" parenting, and what to do about the gifts our kids give us.

I remember a dark blue scarf that yours truly (that's me) knitted for my Dad for Christmas a long time ago in a galaxy far far away (that's Idaho).  Little Me used a special loom and invested many hours of work into making a true masterpiece:  a too-short and slightly lopsided scarf.  I carefully folded it, wrapped it brightly, and placed it under the Christmas tree.

On Christmas morning, I looked expectantly at Dad as he smiled and began unwrapping the gift.  As he pulled the wrapping paper back, his face lit up and he exclaimed with delight at the sight of the scarf.  RIGHT THERE AND THEN he wrapped that lopsided blue thing around his neck.

Dad wore that scarf all winter, and for many other winters following.  Good enough parenting?  Great parenting!  Although I had forgotten about this gift exchange over the years, I obviously learned and internalized much about gift giving and ultimately about parenting that Christmas.

Fast forward 20-ish years.  My daughter makes a pencil cup for me out of a recycled tin can.  I gratefully and happily received it, and put it to use immediately.  In fact, it's still in use in my kitchen today:  

This festive season, and at all the other times of the year, you don't have to be a perfect parent; you just have to be good enough.  Receive the gifts your children give you with thanks and delight.  That's good enough great parenting!

Happy Holidays!

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