Thursday, December 31, 2020

How to Start Your New Year Right

You're probably ready to begin changing some things about your life, to start the new year on a positive note.  Perhaps you need some help starting and maintaining a new habit or two.

The book, "Hello, Habits" by Fumio Sasaki is set to release in hardcover on January 4, 2021.  I happen to have a copy sitting in front of me right now, and it is an interesting read on how to create new habits.

Fumio obviously did his research and applied it to his own situation:  he permanently quit drinking, he became a minimalist, and he picked up the habit of writing books (he's written two so far).  Fumio weaves modern psychology and neuroscience into this book's framework.  

My favorite suggestions are "make your targets [steps towards your goals] ridiculously small," take breaks, and "rest aggressively." *

I am not receiving any compensation for this book review; I'm simply offering another resource that might help you accomplish your goals for the upcoming new year.  See this post for additional help with your goals.

However, if you're having a really difficult time motivating yourself to do basic self care and household tasks, you could actually benefit from being evaluated by a medical provider such as a doctor or a psychotherapist.  Lack of motivation to get normal tasks done is called "avolition" and it is one marker for depression and other mental health conditions.  (Before you self-diagnose your own depression or some other condition,  please know that avolition is ONE marker, and you need several specific signs and symptoms to be diagnosed with a mental health condition.)

O.K. back to the book:  the fact that Fumio quit drinking is very admirable; however, if you struggle with mis-use of alcohol, another substance, or a behavior that is making your life really difficult or downright impossible (such as over-eating, over-shopping, gambling, pornography, or excessive gaming), then please please please seek out help as soon as possible!  There are free 12-Step groups on-line, in person, via phone, and some via email for just about ANY addiction.  Additionally, you might need in-patient or out-patient mental health treatment and other medical intervention to overcome these "habits," which are actually health conditions!  Google "12 step programs for _______________ (over-eating, over-shopping, gambling, pornography, or excessive gaming, etc.)" for help today.  Next, make an appointment with your primary medical provider ASAP to be evaluated for addiction(s) and to involve them in helping create a treatment plan for you.  Addictions require more than just an interesting book penned by a professional writer like Fumio.  As health conditions, they require medical intervention.

An active addiction aside, if you're looking for an interesting book to help you on your new year's path of habit change, "Hello, Habits" might be an entertaining read.  Whatever changes you hope to make in this upcoming year, I wish you great success and increasing health and wellness.

Happy New Year! 


Teresa Heald LCSW

*  Sasaki, F. (2021). Hello, habits : a minimalist's guide to a better life. W.W. Norton & Company.  Pg. 276.

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