Fellow Idahoans, as a mental health care professional, I am strongly urging you to go get vaccinated against Covid-19. Governor Little had to activate the National Guard three days ago because we are down to FOUR (yes, just four) ICU hospital beds available in our entire state. *
These beds are being taken up mostly by unvaccinated people.
The situation in our great state is COMPLETELY unnecessary if all the unvaccinated Idahoans would simply go to their closest pharmacy and get the COMPLETELY FREE vaccine!
If you won't do it for yourself, please go get vaccinated to protect your friends, neighbors, immune-compromised individuals, and all the children under age 12 who CAN'T get vaccinated yet.
Covid is KILLING Idahoans. Every. Single. Day.
And it's so unnecessary!
Idaho, we can do SO much better.
If you're worried about it being "safe" to get vaccinated, well the FDA granted full approval of the Pfizer vaccine just over a week ago.** Yay!! This means it's proven to be as safe as your standard flu shot that most of us get each fall.
We don't overthink getting a flu shot.
So let's stop overthinking getting a Covid shot.
I've been vaccinated since late winter. I'm doing whatever I can to not be a petri dish of Covid for the people around me, including my 10 year-old grandson.
Please, just do it.
Please, friends. Go get vaccinated!
With heartfelt love to you all, from a born-and-raised in Idaho gal,
Tereas Heald, LCSW
* https://gov.idaho.gov/pressrelease/gov-little-activates-national-guard-again-directs-hundreds-of-new-medical-personnel-to-help-idaho-hospitals-overwhelmed-with-unvaccinated-covid-19-patients/
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