Tuesday, March 7, 2017

How to Handle the Loss of a Beloved Pet

The loss of a beloved animal can be incredibly difficult and, obviously, heart breaking.  Here are a few brief things to consider when faced with the loss of your pet:

1.   Accept the fact that your heartache is real.  You loved and cared for your pet, and now that precious animal is no longer alive.  The pain you feel is an indication that you loved another life, and that you cared deeply.

2.  Don't let the uninformed people in your life minimize the pain you are feeling from this loss.   Not everyone understands the depths of your concern and love for animals.  Not everyone "gets" it.  It's ok; they don't have to get it:  We do.  Share your pain with the people in your life who DO get it.

3.  Honor your pet's life.  You and your pet had a special connection.  Honor that relationship in a way that feels right to you.  Perhaps creating a scrapbook of photos, making a donation to your local animal shelter, designing a key chain or piece of jewelry that you can carry or wear, or writing a song or poem about your pet can help you honor the role that your pet played in your life.

Above all, be kind to yourself as you navigate your emotions after this loss.  And do not hesitate to seek out a competent and understanding counselor if you need someone to help you during this difficult time.

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